Penta N Google App

Penta Systems is an authorized google apps Reseller, but there a many other reasons why you should choose us for implementing Google Apps. Here is the list of Services that we provide:

  1. Implementing google apps A/c (Standard i.e. Free, Business or Educational)

    1. Configure your domain name ( to use google apps

    2. Your logo on left-top corner for your company branding.

    3. Google Apps setup and configuration

    4. Configuring DNS records so that your Emails use GMAIL’s servers.

    5. Configure Google sites for you ( - is hosted in google sites)

    6. Contact sharing inside the company.

    7. Configuring Security for email, docs and spreadsheet sharing.

    8. Customised URL for email access - like

    9. Providing Tutorials and knowledge base for your users.

    10. A detailed DEMO of what can be done with google Apps (around 30 mins)

  2. Google Apps User accounts

    1. You can buy this online or through us also.

    2. Google User accounts - typically required for google apps for business.

  1. Domain registration:

    1. If you don't have domain, we can register it for you.

  1. Advanced User / admin Training:

    1. This training is not the one that you would imagine.

    2. With guaranteed aim of increasing efficiency of the users, we have specifically designed this training modules - after doing lots of R & D on our internal teams.

    3. Its a 6 hr training - three sessions of 2 hours each

    4. There can be two sessions in one week, training can be completed in two weeks.

    5. This Training will cover GMail, Docs, Calendar, Contacts, Mobile Sync, Data migration.

    6. Admin Level Training is different and has one session of 2 hours

    7. This training is online - via a webex session.

  1. Training on Google Sites

    1. This training will help you understand the basics of Site designing, uploading content.

    2. This also cover how to make a Google Website public.

  1. User/Admin level Support (Help desk)/Remote administration Services

    1. Telephonic and remote support has always been very strong point of Enjay.

    2. So continuing our tradition, we provide that here also.

    3. For any user level / Admin level support requirement - you can call us.

    4. maintaining and managing your domain, users, groups etc.

    5. Mailing list creation and administration.

    6. Service usage / Client reports

    7. We can keep you updated - what's new and what's beneficial to you.

    8. Constant improvement is the only way to be upto date.

    9. User tips to use Google Apps better and more efficiently.

  1. Customisation / Automation & work-flow

    1. Your business might have many processes which can be automated, and thus lots of time and energy can be saved.

    2. This can be done with Google Apps scripting.

    3. Google has very powerful scripting / programming language called "Google Apps Script"

    4. With this lots of things can be automated.

    5. To understand the scope pl. Call us.